On Friday, December 27, a month after losing her grandmother, a tragic, unexpected accident occurred and claimed the life of our beautiful 12-year-old Leniah after being on life support for 3 days. For the past 4 years, my family has had the privilege to watch her grow into the brightest, most kind, and energetic girl who loved to make everyone around her laugh. She always had the biggest smile on her face and touched the lives of everyone who knew her. She became a daughter to my husband and me, and a best friend/sister to my 10-year-old daughter and my 5-year-old son.
I am hoping to take some of the burden off of her mom, dad, and older sister by asking for the help and support to give her the beautiful send-off she deserves.
On Thursday, January 2, she will be honored at OLOL Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, as her family has decided to donate her organs.
If you are unable to donate, a share means just as much.
Hug your babies tight.
Happy New Year.
Organized by Tayla Michel
Gonzales, LA